Steely Dan-Aja
James Gang-Walk Away (live)
Todd Rundgren-Hungry for Love/I Don’t Want to Tie You Down/Is it My Name
Dire Straits-Calling Elvis
***National Lampoon-Dick Ballantine***
Jethro Tull-Sweet Dreams
Yes-Sweet Dreams
Guess Who-Cardboard Empire
Pink Floyd-On the Turning Away
Supertramp-Fool’s Overture
Hour 2
***Monty Python-Argument Clinic***
Jeff Beck-El Becko
***George Carlin-Smut***
Joe Jackson-Look Sharp (live)
Elton John-Mona Lisas & Mad Hatters
David Bowie-Let’s Spend the Night Together
George Harrison-Devil’s Radio
Paul McCartney-Hands Of Love/Power Cut
Deep Purple-A 200
***Firesign-Everything You Know***