Crosby Stills Nash & Young-Wooden Ships
Stephen Stills-Right By You
Sting-Mad About You
Supertramp-Hide in Your Shell
Styx-The Serpent is Rising
***Spirit album ad***
Spirit-Mechanical World
Todd Rundgren-Little Red Lights
Chicago-A Hit by Varese
Van Morrison-Caravan
James Gang-Woman
Cat Stevens-Trouble
Hour 2
***Pastor Louis Shelton intro***
ELO-Fire on High
Jeff Beck/Jan Hammer-Darkness/Earth in Search of a Sun
Joe Satriani-Always With Me, Always With You
Michael Manring-Snakes Got Legs
Bela Fleck & The Flecktones-Magic Fingers
***Firesign Theater-Everything You Know***
Ned’s Atomic Dustin-Premonition
Michael Penn-Brave New World
Posies-Song #1
Paul & Linda McCartney-Ram On
Doors-The Piano Bird
Crosby Stills Nash & Young-The Lee Shore
***Firesign Theater #26-Bend over***