Peter Frampton-Penny for Your Thoughts/I’ll Give You Money
Traffic-Intro/Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring
Guess Who-New Mother Nature
***George Carlin-Grass swept the neighborhood***
Little Feat-Don’t Bogart That Joint/Apolitical Blues
Bad Company-Hey Joe
Steely Dan-Josie
Supertramp-Crime of the Century
Joe Satriani-Always With You, Always With Me
Hour 2
***Dakota Jam-Jeff Beck/Fleetwood Mac***
Fleetwood Mac-Gold Dust Woman
Jeff Beck-Scatterbrain
Eagles-Funk #49
Doobie Brothers-Black Water
Deep Purple-Smoke on the Water
***George Carlin-Asses***
Crosby Stills Nash & Young-Carry On
Atomic Rooster-A Spoonful of Bromide Helps the Pulse Rate Go Down
Yes-Roundabout (1978)
***George Carlin-Cute little farts***